Military Family Separations

Separation is something many military families are very familiar with due to the demands of the military mission with deployments and unaccompanied assignments.
Many military families spend months and sometimes years apart. This is a major challenge and sacrifice for the entire family. What can we do to help get through those difficult times? We take the separation one day at a time and sometimes one minute at a time.
The photo above is from our military family’s countdown for my husband’s short tour assignment overseas. This is the kids’ daddy corner in our living room. It is a simple way to help the kids get through the months without their daddy. I have clocks displaying our time compared to dad’s time, a world globe and lots of crayons, markers and paper for them to draw about their feelings and make special things for daddy.
We make the most of whatever situation we face, especially the more difficult ones! Staying positive and hopeful is important.