This week we have been talking the transitions through military life! What we know about transition is it involves change! Changes can be stressful for our military families whether it is a PCS move, reintegration after deployment or growing your family!
We have a lot of emotions that everyone deals with in PCS, fears of the unknown and stresses of getting settled into our new community. In reintegration we find that everything changes over time and we must learn new routines. When we have the happy occasion of adding more children routines must adjust again. Finally in retirement we make moves from the military lifestyle into the uncharted waters of civilian life. All these changes can bring anxiety for many of us.
It is important to talk through those changes with your spouse. If you share what you are feeling you both have the support of the other through the process which is really important. You may be surprised to find you share the same fears and seeing them together helps! Working together is the best way to smooth your way through transition and the stress of change.
Military couples also have the support of resources through counseling on and off military installations. On base we have the support of Chaplains and MFLCs. Family Advocacy offers classes on base. Off base we have counseling available through Military OneSource and TriCare Providers.
It is also good to take a break from the stress by planning a fun day together as a couple. Plan an adventure, enjoy sightseeing or hiking. Explore your city and try out a new restaurant for lunch! Quality time spent together can actually help you both get more done in the long run and with less stress.
Whatever transitions your family is facing today I hope you will find ways to work together through it all!