Stress is something we all struggle with and it can be really difficult to get on top of. I work with many clients to develop a good self care plan and set a routine to handle stress.
First, you must think of the difficulties you personally struggle with on a day to day basis. What are those identified problems? This week we have been talking about mood disorders. If you are among those who struggle with depression perhaps hopelessness, guilt, fatigue and difficulty focusing are just a few of the problems you face every day.
Next, think of activities you find helpful to you. If you struggle with hopelessness it could be reading an encouraging quote. Maybe it’s sitting down with coloring pencils and an adult coloring book for a few minutes in your day. It could be taking a walk after dinner.
Then, if engaging in activities by yourself is not helpful try calling a friend to meet you for coffee or lunch. Sometimes talking to someone who supports you makes a big difference in your day.
Finally, if you feel things are getting worse and heading toward crisis you can call people in your life you trust for support. There are a lot of resources for those in crisis. There is the national suicide prevention hotline and many states have crisis lines where people can find support and help. You can call 911 or visit your local ER. It is best to work with your therapist on writing out a self care plan that works best for you. It is a wonderful resource for many clients!